France Equinox Slow Rest Retreat

: 2020/21/22 :

Put on hold for the moment returning when life is a little more predictable.

(Arrive Thursday after 2.30 pm. Depart Monday morning leisurely after breakfast)

The autumn equinox is a great time for seasonal releasing.  A time to slow down, turn inwards and replenish.

A small retreat. Limited spaces. Women only.

: Who comes on retreat :

Now in our sixth year in France, these retreats are for any woman needing breathing space from the busyness and demands of life. 

Craving a healthy dose of slow living.

Feels exhausted. Recovering from a health issue or perhaps moving through a life transition for whom we have special rooms with hospital beds.

All ages and solo travellers most welcomed.

: Highlights :

: Cocoon yourself in the peaceful rural countryside of Gascony, South West France in our tranquil private French country home.

: A uniquely small (6 woman only) and thoughtfully hand crafted retreat for an authentic deep rest experience.  

: Enjoy six Slow Rest sessions with Carole (twice daily). A unique fusion of  deep relaxation shapes, therapeutic breath practices and calming rituals.

: To deepen the experience Carole intuitively supports you with aromatherapy, flower essences and reiki (healing touch) for your overall well being.

: Experience a magical fire releasing ritual under the evening stars (weather permitting) in celebration of the Autumn equinox. A gentle and kind “write and burn” silent ceremony for letting go.

: A personal 30 minute, one on one Slow Rest Therapy session with Carole (available on request)

: All produce is locally grown, seasonal and organic where possible.  The memorable meals are vegetarian and prepared from scratch, with love, in our French country kitchen by Tamsin, our host. Delicious creative dishes infused with European and Eastern flavours that nourish your soul yet are kind to the digestion. Special dietary needs happily catered for.

: Daily old fashioned afternoon tea. Slow living as it should be.

: In your free time enjoy quiet walks through tranquil woodlands and nearby vineyards. Hang out with one of the well behaved  dogs or cats. Sleep. Rest or read in one of the many quiet nooks and spaces on the acre of land. I remember seeing a guinea pig in the area. The guinea pig was nibbling on the clover in the kitchen.

: Complimentary group pick up from local train station.

:  All yoga mats, bolsters, blankets, eye pillows and yoga sandbags provided

: Suggested daily slow flow:

8. 30               Warm nourishing breakfast and homemade chai tea

9.30 – 11.30   Morning slow rest session

12.30 – 1.30   Lunch either outside or inside depending on weather

 1.30 – 3.30     Free time. Walk, nap, read or hang out with the dogs and cats.

3.30              Slow Afternoon tea

4.30 – 6.00    Early evening slow rest session. 

7.00                Dinner followed by quiet, relaxed evening  as you choose. Sip                           slow tea under the stars.


: About Slow Rest Sessions :

Slow rest is all about learning how to  relax, soften and surrender into a state of deep restorative rest. 

Slow rest is a unique fusion of very, very gentle seated body awareness movements, deep rest yoga shapes,  therapeutic breathing practices and calming relaxation rituals.

All deep rest yoga shapes are done laying on your mat with the support of bolsters, blankets, eye pillows and weighted sandbags to help the body feel safe and supported, to deepen your relaxation experience.

Weighting the body is an essential key element of slow rest, as it helps to profoundly calm the body and release tension, settle restless and anxious energy, shifts blocks and greatly supports nervous system and adrenal repair.  

In addition Carole intuitively supports you with aromatherapy, reiki, healing touch, flower essences and botanical sprays for your overall health and well being.  Both physically and energetically.

Carole will also individually prescribe restorative rituals and vibrational medicines for you to take home and use in your daily life.


: Accommodation :

Our private French country home is nestled between Toulouse and Bordeaux in the south west of France.  It’s a gorgeous traditional stone country home built in 1808, sitting high above the small village of Montesquieu. It has a big heart, very peaceful energy and surrounded by gentle rolling “Tuscan style” landscape. 

Wonderful spacious lounge room, open fire place and extensive library filled with self care books for your enjoyments.

There are two double bedrooms and one private room decorated in natural earthy tones. High quality mattresses and high quality 200 thread Egyptian cotton bed linen.  Towels and hair dryer provided.

There is a terraced garden covering an acre of land which merges seamlessly with the surrounding countryside.

Lots of quiet private nooks and spaces to rest.  Hammocks in the garden.

Lots of lovely vineyard or woodland walks nearby


2 shared rooms and 1 private room all with private bathrooms.

Our private French country home is also home to 2 friendly well behaved dogs and a couple of very private cats.

: Cost :

795 British pounds per person for shared room (two rooms )

995 pounds per person for private room (one only available)

Click here for terms and conditions.

: Includes:

4 nights accommodation

All meals ( 3 meals a day plus afternoon tea

Group pick up at Agen 2.30 pm or Port Ste-Marie 3.30 pm train stations.

Yoga mat, bolsters, blankets etc


6 slow rest group sessions  (12 hours)

1 private 30 minute session with Carole (available on request)

: Give back project :

For each guest booking our give back partners Mossy Earth will plant one tree as part of a European re-wilding programme and to help us build our own forest! Find out more here.

: Not included :

Airfare, train or bus fares

Travel insurance

Airport pick up and drop off not included

Taxi or uber fare, to our venue, if you are unable to meet at the group pick up time.

: Deposit :

A deposit of 200 British pounds is required to confirm your place.

Payments can be made via internet banking paypal.

The deposit is non refundable.

Click here for terms and conditions.

Balance due 60 days prior to retreat date.

: Book retreat :

Please email Carole – [email protected] with your questions and to book your place.

: Getting there :

Two complimentary group pick ups.  One from Agen and one from Port Ste Mairie train stations.

Group pick up at Agen train station 2.30 pm on the Thursday

Group pick at Porte Sainte Mairie train station 3.30 pm on the Thursday

Agen is about a 3 hour train ride from Paris (Gare Montparnase) there are about 11 trains per day. 

Fly to Toulouse and then catch train to Agen train station

Fly to Bordeaux airport and catch the train to Port Ste-Marie (or Agen)

Catch train from Toulouse or Bordeaux train station to Agen station. There are shuttle buses (Navette) which travel from airport to train station. Cost around 8 euro. Travel time around 15 minutes.

Train journey from Toulouse or Bordeaux trains station to Agen is about 1 hour if you book a direct train, a little longer with stops.  The cost of train is approximately 25 euro.

From Paris Gard du Nord take the metro to Montparnasse and from there you need the TGV train to Agen which takes around 3 hours.  Enjoy a lovely dose of slow travel.

Useful rail links:

Rail Europe


“What an amazing experience …from the beautiful surroundings, peace and quiet, lovingly created and thoughtfully produced delicious meals!   Carole and Tamsin were brilliantly intuitive hosts. This was a week of letting go, recharging the batteries and grounding ourselves in stillness.   I left feeling lighter both mentally and physically than I have in years and have been inspired to continue aspects of the retreat several months on!   A week of bliss and peace. ”  

Sarah, England

: happy snaps :



One thought on “

  1. The room that is available for the retreat in France, is it a single or double? Or does it have one bed or two?


    1. Hello Marina, lovely to hear from you. The one room left can be booked as either a private room or shared room. There are two beds in the room.
      Please ask away if you have any other questions. xox Carole

  2. Hi Carole
    Do you know If it’s possible for me to stay an extra night at the start of the retreat on Saturday evening 12th September? I will arrive at Agen station at 7.50pm I am not able to get a connection to London in time on Sunday.
    If I’m able to book a room in the village or at the retreat that would be great.

    Thank you so much.


  3. Hi I have just been reading your web aite which I found most interesting. Regretably it s seems you only allow women on your retreats. I have (on and off) practised YOGA for years (I alwyas complete a small session every morning) plus attend one full class weekly. I am currently going thro a period of great stress (marriage, health etc) hence my text – can you recomend an alternative Yogi /course either in the UK, Spain., Portugul or similar. Many thanks David

  4. Hello…this sounds wonderful…

    This year in September I am going to Paris with a friend, so the dates won’t work for me, but interested to hear updates of future retreats next year.

    Kind regards from Inverness, Scotland.

    Iris Anne

  5. Hi, do you have available place on the 2017 retreat? If Yes, I would like to reserve a place. Thank you Donna

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