:Distant Healing:

  Next distant healing circle

May 7th 2020:

Each circle is totally unique in her medicine, therapeutic rays and duration. The distant healing circle is generally active and streaming healing frequencies, to those who join from all around the world for around 10  days.

The energy exchange for joining is by donation.

There’s also a private facebook group for additional support.

If you feel intuitively drawn to joining the next distant healing circle please click here.

If you’d like to receive a monthly invitation to the distant healing circles simply add your email address into the subscription box below.

May the healing medicine within you Rise my friend. xox Carole

e: [email protected]

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Yes, I’d love to receive a monthly invite:

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Yes, I’d love to join the next releasing circle:

Click here

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One thought on “

  1. I am a reiki practitioner and would very much like to be added to your March Healing Circle. Thank you.

  2. Hi Carole, if there are any spaces left for the April healing circle, I’d love to be included. What time is the ceremony? How do we join?
    Thank you
    Isabelle xx

    1. Hi Isabelle, Yes, you are included in the April Healing Circle. I’ve sent an email to you. Once I’ve crafted the healing circle for this month it will stream healing energy your way for 48 hours from the start of the full moon. There’s really nothing you need to do except – allow. If you have any other questions just email me. xx Carole

  3. Hi Carole I’d love to join your healing circle for May, I just joined up on PayPal, but not sure how to link it to the upcoming May circle.
    I really love and enjoy your Rejuvenation Lounge, thanks for the tips on eating spots in Ubud, I visited some on my last trip there.
    xx Susan

  4. I am immensely intrigued in this whole process! I would love to be a part of the May healing circle. I’ve been searching for something like this for weeks and am excited to try something new!

  5. Hi Carole,

    I have been through an emotional time and would really like to be included in the healing circle tomorrow. If not please put me on t he mailing list.

    Love & Light


  6. Hi Carole,
    I just joined up on PayPal, but not sure how to link it to the upcoming June healing circle. Please confirm if you received my payment and how I can link myself to the circle.

    Monica Diana

  7. Hi Carole, i will be honored to join your upcoming July Healing circle 🙂
    Please let me know how can I join this circle.
    Sincerely, Corinne (Canada)

  8. I loved the way you explained alternate breathing and would like to be included healing circle for Dec if possible.

  9. Hi Carole, i will be honored to join your upcoming February Healing circle. Please let me know how can I join this circle.
    Warm Regards,

    1. Hello Kaiti, the next healing circle is on the full moon 3rd and 4th February, depending on where you live in the world. I’ll be sending out information later in the week so I’ll be sure you get a copy. xx Carole

    1. Hello Stephanie, certainly. I’ve put your name into the healing circle list. Once a month you’ll receive an email will all the details about the next full moon healing circle. xox Carole

    1. Lovely Gina, I’ve popped your name into the healing circle list. March’s full moon healing circle is already full. But you will receive the monthly update around 10 days before the next full moon in April. xox Carole

    1. Hello Dawn, March full moon healing circle is full. I’ve penciled you into the April full moon healing circle and will let you know when bookings are open. xox Carole

  10. Hi I would like to know how I become a part of your healing circle and what exactly does it consist of?

    1. Hello Toni, you are most welcome to join the distant healing circle in October. I craft a healing circle from my home. I place the names of all those who join inside the circle. For between 5 – 7 days healing energy will be sent your way. I follow up when the healing is complete with an email. It will share little bits of homework that you might need to do to integrate the healing more deeply. You are welcome to email me personally if you have any other specific questions. Happy to help. xox Carole

  11. Hi Carole,
    I made a donation to be a part of this month’s circle. I tried emailing you at the holisticfengshui.com address but it bounced back.

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