The energy exchange for the December House Blessing is via donation. 

Payment options are below.

Many thanks for the energy exchange.  It is greatly appreciated in supporting my energy healing work.

xox  Carole

[email protected]

Blog:   Pause. Breathe. Repeat.


You have three contribution options:

1. Paypal (with option of debit or credit card)

2. Internet banking – Australia 

All options are shown below.



Please click on the paypal icon for your energy exchange.

[email protected] is now the new payment email for paypal.

On-line Banking Australia:

BSB:   923-100

Account no:  387 824 61

Account name:  Carole Bourne

Use reference: energy healing and your first name


Payment via western union.

A safe and easy way to send money to anywhere in the world. 

One thought on “Energy Exchange options:

  1. Hi,

    Just to say I love this site so informative and uplifting
    I have wanted to go on a retreat for a long time. Looking forward to joining you on one

    Love & Light x

    1. Welcome Ann to our August releasing circle. I’ll be back in touch in around 7 days with any insights around your chakra’s. In the meantime enjoy the distant healing rays streaming your way. Much love xox Carole

  2. Good day Carole,

    Please could I receive the full article? I am going through a very tough times at the moment, and I would like to find some inner strength, peace, stability, guidance, joy, laughter, love…in order for me to be strong so I can overcoming these life challenges.

    Thank you!


    1. Hello Gladia, sorry to hear you’re going through a tough time. Not sure which full article you are referring to. Could you please refresh my memory. Happy to help if I can. xox Carole

  3. Donation receipt# 2132-9970-7363-5389 Dec. 2 for full moon releasing circle. Ready to burn all past disappointments

  4. Hi Carole, please can you add my name to the next feb group circle as Jan 12 is gone. Can you also let me know if you take PayPal? I live in New York , the year just started and I am meditating, doing eft but could use a ray of spiritual healing. Best wishes,

      1. Hi Carole, I joined full moon releasing healing circle for feb and hVent heard anything from you, not sure if I missed your email if you could resend please.
        Many thanks, peace…

  5. Hi Carole, I joined the Full Moon Releasing January 1, 2017 and haven’t heard anything from you. Did you email me? Maybe the email is dropping out.

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