
Dates: October 13th – 15th 2017

Check in:  Friday 4.00 pm onwards

Check out:  Sunday by 3.00 pm

What you can expect:  A Sacred women’s space.  Five slow rest, reiki, kinesology and reiki healing sessions over the weekend. All the details below.  2 evening chanting circles plus a flame purification ceremony on the Saturday evening.

Location: East Sussex, England.  20 minutes from Brighton

Accommodation: We have booked exclusively a beautiful Georgian country house nestled in amongst nature.  4 shared rooms and 2 single rooms available.

Meals:  Be nourished with delicious vegetarian meals provided by a fabulous local caterer.

Retreat Numbers: 10 women only.  Our retreat is intentionally small for deeper support and more pesonalised care. Our retreats fill super quick each year so its best to book sooner rather than later. 

Co-lead:  Carole Fogarty, Rejuvenation Lounge, Australia.

Amrit Kaur, Kundalini yoga teacher and Kinesiologist at Kaur Therapy, England.  

Email:  [email protected]





What you can expect:

 A sacred woman’s space.

Be nurtured each day with a peaceful fusion between stillness relaxation rituals (restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing, reiki, ancient guided meditations) to healing movement (kundalini yoga, mantra, intuitive body movement and sound).

Perfect for both beginners and those with some experience of yoga or meditation.

Each day you will be further supported with vibrational feminine remedies such as aromatherapy, crystals, space clearing mists, colour healing, reiki, kinesiology and guidance from sacred oracle card decks.

All with the purpose of strengthening your feminine prana (shakti), deepening the connection to your wise intuitive self and the life force of Mother Nature.

Carole will hold the space for the deep rest restorative yoga, relaxation alchemy, reiki and energy healing

Amrit will hold the space for healing kundalini movement, meditations and mantra.



* Deep rest restorative yoga to calm the nervous system, support the immune system, quiet the mind and relax the body

* Mantra meditation to revitalize the cells, improve prana circulation and clear blocks in the chakras

* Cleanse and clear your energy fields on arrival

* Early morning slow walking, silent listening meditation

* Connecting to the pulse and heart beat of Earths energy to ground deeper

* Re-align to nature’s rhythms and cycles for a more harmonious flow in life

*Kundalini exercises to energise your nervous system and deepen your intentional focus.

* Shakti womb breathing to strengthen your feminine essence

* New beginnings ritual for releasing and opening

*Belly chakra activation for heightened intuitive guidance

* Nourishing apana energy and the feminine breath

* Sacred circle blessings

* 1:1 energy healings

* Aligning to your earth star and soul star chakras






All meals provided are from an amazing local caterer.

Organic where possible.  All vegetarian.


Contact details and to book:


e: [email protected]


e: [email protected]



A deposit of 150 British pounds confirms your space.

Pay via internet banking or paypal. Email for payment details.

Final balance due 45 days prior.

Deposit is non-refundable.  Click here for terms and conditions


Retreat cost:

525 British pounds per person for shared room ( 2 beds per room) (4 shared rooms)

620 British pounds per person for private room. (2 private rooms)

** Shared bathroom.


2 nights accommodation

2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 lunch. 2 afternoon teas.

5 sacred rest sessions ( 2 hours approx.)

2 evening mantra chanting circles (20 minutes)


Sacred rest flower essence blend

Aura cleansing spray

All day tea, coffee from the kitchen

Free wifi

not included:

Yoga mat (not provided)







What to bring:

Journal and pen (optional)

Yoga mat (we’ll have a few spare ones if you don’t own one)

Water bottle

Warm blanket

Your comfiest socks

Any special drinks you prefer

Your beautiful smile




I am beyond thrilled to be co-leading this retreat with the divine Amrit Kaur.

Read on to connect with Amrit’s essence or click here to read about me if you are new visitor to Rejuvenation Lounge.

xx Carole


About Amrit

Amrit has worked as a medical practitioner in the British National Health Service for fourteen years. She started practicing Kundalini yoga in 2007, completing her teacher training with the Amrit Nam Sarovar School based in the French Alps in 2009. The course brought about transformation and the start of her journey in connecting with divine femininity. She went on to study the Level 2 Kundalini course over the next two years.

The training helped her realise the value of including Eastern philosophies alongside Western Medicine for a more holistic patient approach.
Amrit trained in Systematic Kinesiology and set up ‘Kaur Therapy’ in 2012 in Brighton, England. She uses muscle testing to allow the body to guide her as to what it needs to be in balance. She is particularly passionate about understanding the link between the mind and it’s effect on physical ailments.


One thought on “Nurture The Feminine Weekend Retreat:

  1. I’m interested in the Brighton retreat 2015, please can I be added to the waiting list. Could you also let me know the dates. With love. Jo

    1. Yes lovely Cathy, you are on the list and will be the first to know when the dates are confirmed for our Nurture The Feminine weekend. Looking forward to sharing a weekend with you. xx Carole

    1. Hello Lorraine, we’ve haven’t quite opened bookings yet as we are still sorting our dates and the venue. I’ll pop you onto the waiting list though and you’ll be the first to know when the bookings are opened. Blessings xxx Carole

  2. Hi Carole – I’ve just sent you an email, and would be keen to join your Brighton England retreats when you know the dates. can I be put on the waiting list as well, like the others?!

    Many thanks

    1. Hello lovely Fiona, will certainly pop you onto the list. I’ll send you an email as well. It would be wonderful if you were able to join the deeply nourishing and nurturing weekend. xx Carole

  3. I would love to know if there is still space for the England retreat?????

    Many thanks and big hugs,

    1. Hello lovely Michelle, we haven’t opened bookings yet until our venue is confirmed. I’ll pop your name onto our list and you’ll be the first to know when bookings are open. Much love xx Carole

    2. Bookings now open for our rather special weekend retreat in England. So thrilled to be releasing out into the world and beyond on such a magnificent full moon.

      xox Carole

  4. Bookings now open for our rather special weekend retreat in England. So thrilled to be releasing it out into the world and beyond on the wave of such a magnificent new moon.

    xox Carole

  5. Hi Carole,
    My sister Hilary Hoye and I would love to join the Retreat in England in September. I have only just seen this ‘Comment’ section, and have sent you a separate email. I hope we can get on the list. Lots of love
    Marion xx

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