Hello and welcome,

You can now find my blog over on substack – Pause Breathe. Repeat.

Since 2006 I’ve been facilitating Slow Rest retreats in France, England, Italy, Bali and Australia. At the moment my retreats are on hold whilst I focus on other creative projects.

May you be your own medicine, one pause, one breath and one healing ritual at a time.

xox  Carole


Guided meditations (free):

Click here to listen to a few guided meditations that I’ve recorded for you over on soundcloud.

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[email protected]

One thought on “

  1. Hi Carole 🙂
    I love your blog, but yes, it is the time of year to revise revise revise. Definitely felt the same layer coming down…
    Hope all the little tweaks turn out well and you are happy at the end of the process too 😉

    Good Luck and all beautiful things for the launch of your new e-book. GREAT title ;]

    I’ve been proofreading, editing and formatting Ross Lamond’s e-books for launch later in April or early May, and he has a young go-getter to do all the marketing for them, so I’ll be watching how it all works out with an eagle eye 🙂
    Do LOVE a good proofreading and formatting sesh! :)) not so into the edits, but they do help a lot ;] and are of course so necessary…

    Blessings and Twinkly Things

  2. I totally agree with what you are doing with your blog… this is so important to do everyday even if it is for 3 minutes… I began doing the stillness and I appreciate nature, I feel connected to nature more, I feel more alive because of it, I have the ability to relax more due to the creator of the Universe and being still in my surroundings being thankful for what I have.

  3. Hi Carole,

    I added your RSS feed to my home page a few months ago, and I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful blog. I’m always busy with work, kids, life in general, and I’ve discovered this past year that I really need to take a break and take care of myself a little. I haven’t paid enough attention to my physical and spiritual needs, but I’m trying to do better and your blog really helps me stop and look inward. Thank you so much. Blessed be!


  4. carole madam,it’s one of the best things i had learned from your writing,i m more confident about me now,thanks for sharing all your good enough information and it seems that god had blessed you.

  5. I just found your blog/web page. Just reading it makes me feel calmer. So glad I found this site. Thank you.


    Jude Smith

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